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4 Symptoms of Kidney Stones and What to Do Next Mar 6th, 2025

By the age of 70, slightly more than 19% of men and 9% of women in the United States have had kidney stones. What most of these people can report is that kidney stones are hard to ignore, thanks to the pain and discomfort they often cause. Still, not everyone...

Tips for Easing Your Recovery After a Vasectomy Mar 2nd, 2025

You’ve decided to join the half a million men in the United States who opt for a vasectomy each year. While the decision certainly suits your lifestyle and goals, you want to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Rest assured that Dr. Robert J. Cornell and our team...

What Causes Recurring Urinary Tract Infections in Women?  Feb 11th, 2025

You feel that all-too-familiar twinge of discomfort when you urinate, and you moan knowing you have another urinary tract infection (UTI). Up to 60% of women experience a UTI at least once in their lives and, for millions of women, these infections aren't one-time occurrences. In fact, between 25% and...

Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction? Learn About Our Solutions Feb 4th, 2025

If erectile dysfunction (ED) is casting a shadow over your sex life, and your overall quality of life for that matter, the first thing we want you to know is that there are solutions. The number of men with ED is large. According to different studies done in the United...

How Does PlasmaButton™ Vaporization Treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia? Jan 9th, 2025

You’re up and down throughout the night, making sleepy trips to the bathroom to urinate. Or, maybe urinary incontinence has taken hold thanks to an enlarged prostate. About 1 in 4 men develops symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) by the age of 55, and this number jumps to half...

5 Things We Want You to Know About Penile Implants Jan 2nd, 2025

You value a healthy and active sex life, and it plays no small role in your overall quality of life. So, when erectile dysfunction (ED) takes hold and shows no signs of letting up, you’re frustrated. Erectile dysfunction is a growing issue in the United States. A recent study found...

Is a Vasectomy Reversible? Dec 5th, 2024

At a certain point in your life, you were sure you wanted to end your ability to father children, and you underwent a vasectomy. Today, your circumstances have changed, and you want to enter the world of fatherhood again. Is it possible? The short answer is, “Yes, we can reverse...

My Sex Drive Has Declined: Is It Because of Low Testosterone or Something Else? Nov 5th, 2024

We talk about different facets of our wellness in terms of health — mental health, heart health, hormone health, and so on. Sexual health should be part of this list, as it can be an important piece to your overall wellness puzzle.  If you’ve always enjoyed an active sex life,...

Swelling and Pain in Your Scrotum Could Signal a Varicocele Oct 1st, 2024

You may not have heard of the term varicocele, but this condition is incredibly common — it affects about 15-20% of the male population. While many men have varicoceles and are none the wiser as they don’t develop symptoms, some do encounter problems, such as swelling and pain in their...

Pelvic Pain and Urination Urgency? It Could Be Interstitial Cystitis Sep 1st, 2024

One of the hallmarks of interstitial cystitis (IC) is a frequent urge to urinate, and when we say frequent, it could be up to 60 times per day. The other red flag is pelvic pain.  So, between constantly running to the bathroom and the discomfort, you can see why the...

There’s a Solution for Incontinence After Prostate Surgery — an Artificial Sphincter Aug 5th, 2024

It can be frustrating when you’re trying to correct one problem, only to be left with a different one, which can often be the case with prostate surgery. Following a prostatectomy, many men develop issues with post-prostatectomy incontinence (PPI), and between 10% and 15% of men have some incontinence six...

3 Early Indications of Kidney Stones Jul 2nd, 2024

Thanks to overprocessed foods, an abundance of glucose and sodium in our diets, and a rise in health conditions like diabetes and obesity, kidney stones are on the rise, both here in the United States and around the world. As it stands now, 11% of men and 6% of women...

The Link Between ED and Diabetes Jun 18th, 2024

Diabetes can cast a surprisingly large net over your health and wellness. From vision loss to peripheral nerve damage, the complications that stem from diabetes are serious and life-changing. Included in this list is erectile dysfunction (ED), as men who have diabetes are three times more likely to develop ED....

5 Signs of Urinary Tract Infections in Men May 14th, 2024

Due to the fact that more than half of women get a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives and that the fairer sex outpaces men by 30 to 1 when it comes to these infections, many people believe that men are immune to UTIs.  Not so....

Do Elevated PSA Levels Mean Prostate Cancer? Not So Fast Apr 2nd, 2024

Considering that outside of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men — it affects 1 in 8 men — you want to do what you can to stay one step ahead of this potentially serious disease.  Each year in the United States, there are nearly 300,000 new...

4 Things You Should Always Talk to Your Men’s Health Specialist About Mar 1st, 2024

The primary physical attributes that separate men and women largely boil down to reproductive and urinary systems. So, just as women benefit from specialized reproductive care with their OB/GYN, men can receive the same benefits through their urologist. At our practice, Dr. Robert J. Cornell is board-certified in urology, which...

Am I a Good Candidate for Testosterone Replacement Therapy? Feb 2nd, 2024

Your sex life isn’t what it used to be thanks to a lower-than-normal libido, or you’re just feeling zapped of energy and not like your usual self. These are certainly issues that can have a significant impact on your quality of life, and you want to find solutions that can...

How an Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Diagnosis Might Benefit Your Heart Jan 10th, 2024

We understand if you think there’s no good news about your struggles with erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that affects up to 30 million men in the United States.   But, if you think about it from another perspective, one that’s providing a warning about a potentially bigger health issue, you...

5 Encouraging Facts About an Enlarged Prostate Dec 4th, 2023

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Despite the first word, the condition can sound a little ominous. Even in layman’s terms — enlarged prostate — you wonder just what you’re up against. No matter what you call it, an enlarged prostate isn’t always the harbinger of bad news. To shed some light on...

What Are My Treatment Options for Kidney Stones? Nov 3rd, 2023

About 11% of men develop kidney stones during the course of their lives, so they certainly represent a clear and present danger if you’re male. If you’re dealing with kidney stones now, you know how uncomfortable, if not downright painful, this condition can be, and you want solutions. Fast. As...

3 Tips for Adjusting to Life With a Penile Implant Oct 1st, 2023

You've been struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED) for some time now and the problem isn’t responding well to treatments. You’re in very good company. More than half of men in the United States experience ED, and about one million of them could benefit from a penile implant. Despite a very...

Is Incontinence After a Prostatectomy Inevitable? Sep 1st, 2023

Outside of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, and an eye-opening 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with the disease. This means the odds are good that you know a few people who've been down this road before you. If they had a prostatectomy, you might have heard...

3 Important Reasons to Have Your Prostate Gland Examined Aug 1st, 2023

The conversations with your male friends used to center around sports or other common interests, but you’re noticing a trend toward health and things like prostates.  Well, there are some very good reasons why your prostate should get your attention, and our men’s health expert, Dr. Robert J. Cornell, reviews three...

5 Tips for Preventing Erectile Dysfunction Jul 13th, 2023

Your sexual health is incredibly important to your overall well-being, and you want to do everything possible to keep things from cooling under the covers. Given that more than half of men in the United States have some experience with erectile dysfunction, you’re right to be concerned — and proactive. ...

Gain More Confidence With Ventral Phalloplasty Genital Contouring Jun 1st, 2023

The old adage that appearances can be deceiving is certainly apt when it comes to describing many penises. First, a flaccid penis is hardly a true representation of an erect one. And even then, excess skin may be keeping the true form of your erect penis under wraps. If you...

Spotting the Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer May 1st, 2023

If you consider that 1 in 8 men will receive a diagnosis of prostate cancer, it underscores how important it is to stay one step ahead of this disease. Behind skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. There is good news — most men don’t die of...

Think You Might Have Low Testosterone? Here Are the Signs Apr 1st, 2023

Low T — the fact that a lower-than-normal testosterone level has a nickname can also mean that there’s some misinformation swirling around about this condition. To shed some much-needed light on low testosterone, board-certified urologist Dr. Robert Cornell wants to take this opportunity to review some of the signs of...

How Is My Frequent Urination Related to My Enlarged Prostate? Mar 1st, 2023

It’s been a long day and you’re looking forward to some much-needed sleep. Unfortunately, your bladder has other plans, waking you throughout the night with a call to urinate you can’t ignore. Night and day, an enlarged prostate sends millions of men running to the bathroom more often. To explain...

Three Ways You Can Help Prevent Kidney Stones Feb 6th, 2023

Whether you’ve had kidney stones or you’ve witnessed a loved one go through the unpleasant experience, your goal is focused squarely on prevention. Unfortunately, about 10% of people in the United States will experience kidney stones during the course of their lives, making it a fairly common issue. While kidney...

Tips to Improve Erectile Dysfunction After Prostate Surgery Jan 1st, 2023

You need to have (or already had) prostate surgery and you’re worried about your sexual health moving forward. With rates of erectile dysfunction (ED) after a prostatectomy as high as 85%, you have very good reason to be concerned. While it may take some time for your sexual function to get back to...

What to Consider When Considering a Vasectomy Dec 1st, 2022

You’re not keen on the idea of becoming a father in the future, so you’re considering a vasectomy. Each year in the United States, half a million men undergo this simple and effective procedure to achieve the same goal. To help with your decision-making, our board-certified urologist Dr. Robert Cornell...

Life With a Penile Implant Nov 1st, 2022

You’ve tried everything to restore your sex life in the face of stubborn erectile dysfunction (ED), but medications, lifestyle changes, and other conservative measures just aren’t working well enough. At this point, a penile implant may be your past path forward for addressing your ED, but you’re wondering if, and how...

Can I Prevent Testosterone Loss? Oct 6th, 2022

From muscle strength and energy levels to libido and mental health, your testosterone hormones cast a wide net over your health and wellness, and you want to do what you can to prevent testosterone loss. When it comes to preventing low testosterone, some factors are out of your control, namely...

What You Might Not Know About Your Prostate Sep 14th, 2022

Your prostate has quietly done its job — creating semen — for much of your life, and you’ve given it little thought. As you grow older, however, it’s worth understanding a little bit about this small gland, as it can present problems as you age. Dr. Robert Cornell is a...

The Two-way Connection Between Your Mental and Emotional Health and ED Aug 9th, 2022

You have depression, and one of the results has, unfortunately, come in the form of erectile dysfunction (ED). Or, perhaps you have ED that’s related to your vascular health or age, and it’s causing a good deal of stress and anxiety, which is only exacerbating the problem. The connection between your...

Complications of Low Testosterone Jul 12th, 2022

Low testosterone, or low T, is garnering considerable attention these days, and it’s being blamed for a wide range of issues from low libido to loss of muscle mass. While there’s some truth to these side effects, we want to paint a much clearer picture of the impacts of low...

Having Difficulty Urinating? You May Have BPH Jun 29th, 2022

By the age of 80, up to 90% of men have some degree of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), and one of the primary side effects is difficulty with urination. If you want to figure out why you’re getting up throughout the night to urinate or you’re experiencing other difficulties with urination, board-certified...

How to Manage Urinary Incontinence After a Prostatectomy May 8th, 2022

To safeguard your health, you underwent a prostatectomy, and now you’re struggling with postsurgical incontinence. Short-lived incontinence after a prostatectomy is fairly common, but, unfortunately, 6-8% of men who have their prostates removed deal with long-term incontinence. Whether incontinence is short term or long term, Dr. Robert Cornell and our...

Complications of Erectile Dysfunction Apr 12th, 2022

If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED), it can be difficult to discuss the problem itself, much less the impact it’s having on your life. Complications of ED include everything from issues with intimacy to comorbid conditions like depression.  To solve these complications, it’s important to seek help from a...

All About Localized Prostate Cancer Mar 14th, 2022

You’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer and, while cancer is never welcome news, your disease is localized, which is a silver lining. Approximately 12% of men (1 of 8) are diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetimes, but most men do not die from the disease, especially when it’s localized....

Three Causes of Incontinence in Men, and How We Treat Them Feb 14th, 2022

While both men and women can develop urinary incontinence — one-quarter to one-third of men and women in the United States have some form of urinary incontinence — the problem typically develops for different reasons in each gender. As men’s health experts, Dr. Robert Cornell and our team want to...

Why Am I So Prone to Kidney Stones? Jan 12th, 2022

Passing a large kidney stone can be a painful experience and one you want to avoid in the future. While the risk for developing kidney stones is about 11% in men and 9% in women, the more problematic statistic is this — kidney stones recur within 5-7 years in about...

Does It Hurt to Get a Vasectomy? Dec 7th, 2021

You want to take family planning into your own hands and join the half a million men who undergo a vasectomy each year in the United States. The thought of someone coming near your private parts with a knife, however, gives you pause.  While perfectly understandable, there’s no need for...

The Link Between Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction Nov 16th, 2021

The numbers surrounding diabetes in the United States are incredibly alarming, as more than 34 million adults have already been diagnosed with the chronic disease and 88 million more are considered prediabetic. The road to erectile dysfunction (ED) and the road to diabetes are often paved with the same issues,...

Common Myths About Penile Implants Oct 3rd, 2021

Ongoing problems with erectile dysfunction have had an enormous impact on your sex life, and you’re looking for solutions. As you contemplate whether a penile implant is the best solution, you have questions. Here at our men’s health practice, Dr. Robert Cornell and our team believe that patient education is...

Painful Erections and Peyronie's Disease: What You Need to Know Sep 1st, 2021

Life is stressful enough, and your sex life should be one area in which you can relax and enjoy yourself. Unfortunately, Peyronie’s disease may have other plans, making your erections uncomfortable, if not downright painful.  Fortunately, as a men’s health specialist, Dr. Robert Cornell has considerable experience helping his patients...

How Can I Improve My Testosterone Levels? Aug 3rd, 2021

Your sex hormones — namely testosterone — cast a surprisingly wide net over your health and wellness, so when these levels dip, you can experience everything from fatigue to symptoms of depression. When this happens, you’re eager to find the path back toward better health — and there are several....

Five Tips That Boost Prostate Health Jul 25th, 2021

You rarely gave your prostate much thought, but as you grow older, you become increasingly aware of just how troublesome this small gland can be. From an enlarged prostate to prostate cancer, you want to steer clear of these problematic conditions as best you can. We have the same goal...

Self-Conscious About the Look of Your Penis? Ventral Phalloplasty Genital Contouring Can Help Jun 9th, 2021

For better or for worse, your penis is a symbol of your manhood, quite literally. With that word “manhood,” however, come a number of perceived implications, such as power, virility, and strength. To better portray your masculinity, we offer ventral phalloplasty genital contouring, which brings out the most in your...

What to Do About Overactive Bladder After Pregnancy May 5th, 2021

Giving birth changes your life in immeasurable ways, and most of them for the better. There are, however, some unwelcome side effects that can develop after childbirth, including problems with incontinence.  If you’re among the scores of women who struggle with urinary incontinence after pregnancy because of an overactive bladder,...

Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Conditions: How Are They Linked? Apr 1st, 2021

There are many things that go into an erection, not the least of which is ample blood flow. Of the 1 in 10 men who experience long-term problems with erectile dysfunction in the United States, insufficient blood flow ranks at, or near, the top of the list of causes. The...

Intimacy With a Penile Implant: What to Expect During Sex Mar 18th, 2021

You’ve tried everything to address your erectile dysfunction, but the results leave you less than satisfied. The next step is a penile implant, but you’re worried about how the device will impact your sexual relations. While there will be a “new normal,” to some extent, any adjustments will be quickly...

Is Low Sexual Desire a Normal Part of Male Aging? Feb 4th, 2021

You look back at your twenties and wonder if your once-vibrant energy and libido are now things of the past. There are many factors that contribute to a loss of sexual desire, and the good news is that there are certain areas where we can take action. As men’s health...

5 Signs of an Enlarged Prostate Jan 1st, 2021

Nearly half of all men in their 50s have an enlarged prostate, and this number rises with age, as 90% of men in the United States over the age of 80 have the problem. The good news is that an enlarged prostate usually doesn’t present any serious medical concerns. The...

Penile Implant Benefits Dec 8th, 2020

If you're reading this, you’ve likely been struggling with erectile dysfunction for some time now, and you’re researching your options. Or, perhaps you’ve tried a few solutions and found that they’re just not for you. Here at our practice, Dr. Robert Cornell is one of the nation’s foremost prosthetic urologists,...

4 Common Penile Conditions Nov 1st, 2020

Just like any other organ, your penis can succumb to specific conditions, diseases, or injuries that require specialized care. That care can be found at the practice of Dr. Robert Cornell, a board-certified urologist who focuses on the many problems that face a man’s health. From erectile dysfunction to Peyronie’s...

5 Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction Oct 1st, 2020

More than half of all men experience erectile dysfunction (ED), and age is only part of the story as 40% of men at age 40 report problems with the issue. While there are many factors that contribute to ED that are beyond your control, there are plenty that are well...

Understanding Your Options for Localized Prostate Cancer Sep 20th, 2020

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis in men (outside of skin cancer), with more than 190,000 new cases each year. The good news is that more than 3 million men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer are now cancer survivors, in large part due to early detection and...

A Little Planning Can Help Smooth Your Recovery After a Vasectomy Aug 13th, 2020

Each year in the United States, approximately half a million men undergo vasectomies, which effectively puts an end to their ability to pass along sperm. While we’ve come a long way with this procedure, including our no-scalpel vasectomy, there are still some steps you should take during your quick recovery...

Understanding Peyronie's Disease (and What We Can Do About It) Jul 19th, 2020

The name Peyronie’s disease may not be well-known, but the condition has been diagnosed in 1 out of every 100 men over the age of 18. Experts even believe that the real numbers may be more along the lines of 1 in 10.  Peyronie’s disease leads to a curve in...

Epididymitis: What You Need to Know Jun 26th, 2020

Approximately 1 in 1,000 men develop epididymitis each year in the United States, and acute problems drive more than 600,000 visits to health care providers each year. If you’ve never heard of epididymitis, that’s good news, but it’s still worth understanding this fairly common issue so that you can take...

What Triggers Erectile Dysfunction? May 15th, 2020

To say that erectile dysfunction (ED) is common would be an understatement. One study found that 40% of men around the age of 40 have problems with ED, which increases to 70% of men in their 70s. One of the primary frustrations with ED is that there are many roads...

What You Need to Know Before Considering a Vasectomy Apr 9th, 2020

Each year in the United States, more than 500,000 men get vasectomies, which deliver a 99.8% efficacy rate in preventing pregnancy. While a vasectomy is indisputably effective, the procedure is more aggressive than traditional birth control methods, and there are a few things you should know before you undergo a...

Still "Leaking" After Your Prostate Surgery? There's Hope Feb 1st, 2020

You’ve already taken the big step and undergone prostate surgery to either eradicate prostate cancer or resolve a prostate issue. While the bigger picture results are well worth the effort, there are some potential complications that can follow a prostatectomy, including urinary incontinence. At our practice, Dr. Robert Cornell and...

Pump Up Your Sex Life with an Inflatable Penile Implant Jan 1st, 2020

Every time we bring up the uncomfortable discussion surrounding erectile dysfunction (ED), we like to underscore one extremely important fact up front: You’re not alone. ED affects up to 52% of men in the United States, and the statistics largely correspond to age — 40% of men in their 40s...

How Low Testosterone Affects Your Mental Health Dec 1st, 2019

When you think of testosterone, you likely think of sexual function, libido, and muscle mass — things that define men in many ways. What you may not realize is that testosterone also plays a role in your mental health, which can be made abundantly clear when your levels are low....

5 Reasons to Consider a Vasectomy Nov 1st, 2019

Birth control has long been relegated to the fairer sex, but more men are taking charge of this area of their reproductive health with a vasectomy. In fact, 500,000 undergo the simple operation each year in the United States.  At our practice, urologist Dr. Robert Cornell and our team offer...

You've Got Prostate Cancer — What Now? Oct 1st, 2019

You’ve spent the last week or two anxiously awaiting results from your prostate biopsy and you receive the news — cancerous cells were found. While there’s little good news to be found in any cancer diagnosis, the fact is that more men die with a prostate cancer diagnosis rather than...

What to Consider Before Getting a Penile Implant Sep 1st, 2019

ED — these two innocuous letters can wreak havoc on a man’s life when they’re referring to erectile dysfunction. In fact, more than half of men in the United States suffer from the condition at some point in their lives, and it becomes increasingly prevalent with age. If you find...

Spotting the Warning Signs of BPH Aug 2nd, 2019

When it comes to your health, the term “benign” is usually met with relief since no cancer is present. But that doesn’t mean the issue can’t create complications, which is certainly true of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).  At our practice, board-certified urologist Dr. Robert Cornell specializes in BPH, helping our...

Myths and Facts About Erectile Dysfunction Jul 17th, 2019

Let’s get one truth about erectile dysfunction (ED) out in the open right from the start — it’s a lot more common than you might think. In fact, more than half the male population in the United States is affected by ED at some point in their lives. And the...

Why Kidney Stone Cases Rise During the Summer Jun 20th, 2019

Each year in the United States, three million people seek relief for painful kidney stones with their doctors or urologists, and a surprising number of these visits take place during the summer months. The reason for the uptick in kidney stone treatments during the summer is akin to hibernation —...

How Successful Are Vasectomy Reversals? May 15th, 2019

They say that few decisions in life are irreversible, which can certainly be said of a surgical procedure like a vasectomy. Life takes twists and turns, and if you find yourself in the position of rethinking your decision to put an end to your ability to father a child, we’ve...

5 Signs You May Be Suffering from Low Testosterone Apr 16th, 2019

A man’s world is influenced, to a surprising degree, by testosterone, the hormone responsible for your more “male” characteristics. The broad net that this hormone casts on your physical and mental health often becomes glaringly obvious when your testosterone levels are low. At our Houston urology practice, under the experienced...

3 Interesting Facts About Penile Implants Mar 7th, 2019

If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction and you’ve tried every treatment avenue, including pills and pumps, to no avail, a penile implant is a great solution. At our practice, Dr. Robert Cornell is one of the premier prosthetic urologists in the Houston area, helping men enjoy active and satisfying sexual...

How to Know if a Vasectomy Is Right For You Feb 8th, 2019

In the world of birth control, the options have largely rested on the shoulders of women, which makes sense given that they do the heavy lifting when it comes to bringing a child into the world. That said, men are taking matters into their own hands through vasectomies, with over...

5 Symptoms of Prostate Cancer to Look Out for Jan 9th, 2019

The statistics surrounding prostate cancer can be frightening — one in nine men in the United States will be affected by the disease — making it the second-most commonly diagnosed cancer in men behind skin cancer. But now consider this statistic: There are almost three million survivors of prostate cancer...

Ventral Phalloplasty: Your Guide to Genital Contouring Dec 6th, 2018

While ventral phalloplasty may sound like a major undertaking, in reality it’s a fairly simple procedure that delivers big results. The goal behind a ventral phalloplasty is to remove excess tissue that may be covering up the true size of your penis. But surgery is still surgery, no matter how...

10 Surprising Facts About Erectile Dysfunction You May Not Know Nov 16th, 2018

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of those problems that men are hesitant to talk about, which also means there’s a fair amount of misunderstanding about the condition. In an effort to shed some light on the problem, our experts here at Robert J. Cornell, MD, PA, thought we’d pull together...

Improve Your Sex Life with a Penile Implant Oct 16th, 2018

If your sex life has been derailed because of persistent and treatment-resistant erectile dysfunction, there’s a way to restore your virility that goes far beyond a little blue pill. Penile implants have garnered a 90% satisfaction rate for good reason — they really work.As a nationally-recognized prosthetic urologist, Dr. Robert...

The Best Options for Treating Kidney Stones Sep 13th, 2018

When it comes to kidney stones, there are several different treatment options, which can make choosing the right one for your unique situation somewhat confusing.To help shed some light on the best way to rid yourself of this painful condition, Robert J. Cornell, MD, PA, has pulled together the following...

What Causes Urinary Incontinence in Women? Aug 7th, 2018

What Causes Urinary Incontinence in Women?When it comes to urinary incontinence in women, statistics suggest that it’s very common, with approximately 17% of women over the age of 18 suffering from an overactive bladder. And the numbers only grow worse with age, with one out of every three women over...

Robert J. Cornell, MD, PA Jul 12th, 2018

Birth control has long been assumed to be the domain of women, but men hold the key to one of the most powerful and successful options available: a vasectomy. Outside of abstinence, a vasectomy offers the most complete protection against unwanted pregnancy.Here at our practice, Dr. Robert J. Cornell routinely...

How Does an Enlarged Prostate Affect Your Life? Jun 19th, 2018

If you’re a man, you’ve probably heard a few things about prostate health. But unless you’ve had any unusual symptoms, you may not have thought much about it. You might not even know exactly what the prostate is or what it does.No problem -- here’s what you need to know:...

Should You Consider Genital Contouring? May 29th, 2018

It’s a very sensitive topic for most men, but when you have a penis that appears smaller than average, it can greatly affect your self-confidence and sense of well-being. It may even prevent you from pursuing potentially meaningful relationships.Many men don’t realize, however, that the issue may not be related...

Five Things You Can Do to Prevent Kidney Stones Mar 29th, 2018

If you’re one of the 10% of adults in the United States who has passed a kidney stone, chances are you count it as one of the most painful experiences you’ve ever endured. As their name implies, kidney stones form in your kidneys. They start to develop when certain compounds...

5 Myths About Erectile Dysfunction Feb 23rd, 2018

Erectile dysfunction can be an embarrassing problem, both when it happens to you and when you seek treatment. That embarrassment may cause some men to live with the problem quietly, without investigating why it happens. Worse still, they turn to the internet, where truth and myth mix indistinguishably. The web...

6 Signs You Might Have Low Testosterone Dec 6th, 2017

If you’re feeling weak, depressed, or less frisky sexual than usual, you may have low testosterone levels. Testosterone is often considered the “male sex hormone,” but it plays a role in far more than sex and reproduction. Symptoms of low levels can be difficult to pinpoint, especially when they occur...

3 Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction Aug 23rd, 2017

It’s the dreaded subject that no man wants to talk about or admit he struggles with. Erectile Dysfunction can result from any number of well-known physical issues. However, erectile dysfunction can be the result of psychological issues as well.1. Depression or AnxietyHave you noticed that you’re feeling a little down...


If you are over the age of 40 you need to continue reading this, so don’t click your back button. Let’s have a real talk about Prostate Cancer; what you need to know about it and what you can do to reduce your risk of developing it. Prostate cancer is...

FACT SHEET: Prostate Cancer In The African American Community Feb 23rd, 2017

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer amongst men in the US. While this terrible disease is not exclusive to any one race; it is, however, more prevalent in black men and so is the death rate from it. One in four men black men will get prostate cancer...

5 Myths About Kidney Stones Jan 30th, 2017

If you’ve ever gotten a kidney stone you know that it’s not like a nagging cough, it is quite painful and in extreme cases can even require surgery to correct. The rumors that people spread about what a kidney stone experience is like can be quite frightening but the fact...