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Complications of Low Testosterone

Complications of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone, or low T, is garnering considerable attention these days, and it’s being blamed for a wide range of issues from low libido to loss of muscle mass. While there’s some truth to these side effects, we want to paint a much clearer picture of the impacts of low testosterone.

As men’s health experts, Dr. Robert Cornell and our team understand the potential complications of lower-than-normal testosterone levels, and we want to share them with you here.

Where your testosterone level should be

We measure testosterone in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) and, as an adult male, this measurement should fall between 300 ng/dL and 1,000 ng/dL. Throughout your life, your testosterone level should stay between these numbers, which take into account the natural loss of testosterone production as you age. When you reach your 30s, your level may start to decline by about 1% each year.

This deficit can add up, which explains why more than half of men over the age of 80 may have a testosterone deficiency.

When your level is too low

If your testosterone level falls below 300 ng/dL, it can lead to a wide range of complications, including:

Loss of libido

There are many factors that affect your sex drive, including your emotional, mental, and physical health. When it comes to physical problems, low testosterone is a common driver of low libido.

Decline in erectile function

Another sexual issue that can arise due to low testosterone is erectile problems. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is fairly common — more than half of men in the United States experience ED at some point in their lives — and there are many issues that can lead to the problem, such as cardiovascular conditions and low hormone levels.

Loss of body hair

Your testosterone level is responsible for your more male characteristics, which includes body hair, including the hair on your face. If you find that you’re losing body hair and/or beard and mustache growth, low testosterone may be to blame.

Less lean muscle mass

Your reproductive hormones play no small role in your lean muscle mass, so if you find that you’re at the same activity and workout level, but you’re losing muscle, low testosterone may be behind the problem.


Men with testosterone deficiencies often report problems with low energy levels and a pervasive fatigue.

Treating testosterone deficiencies

If we determine that you have a testosterone deficiency, Dr. Cornell generally approaches the problem using a combination of treatments that might include:

To determine whether you have a testosterone deficiency and what treatment options are best for you, contact our office in Houston, Texas, to set up an appointment.

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