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5 Things We Want You to Know About Penile Implants

5 Things We Want You to Know About Penile Implants

You value a healthy and active sex life, and it plays no small role in your overall quality of life. So, when erectile dysfunction (ED) takes hold and shows no signs of letting up, you’re frustrated.

Erectile dysfunction is a growing issue in the United States. A recent study found that nearly one-quarter of men are affected by ED. While age is certainly responsible for a good deal of ED, issues like diabetes also claim their fair share of the burden. Given that more than 38 million Americans have diabetes and this number is expected to grow, the prevalence of ED is likely to grow along with it.

However you came to your ED, you just want a long-lasting solution that will help reignite your confidence and sex life. Such a solution can be found in a penile implant — an area in which Dr. Robert J. Cornell has considerable experience.

So, as you explore your options for ED, here’s what we want you to know about penile implants.

1. There are choices in penile implants

First, there are two different types of penile implants, so you have some choice. The simpler implant is a bendable rod that Dr. Cornell places inside your penis. This implant turns a flaccid penis into a harder one, and all you need to do is bend it into position to enable intercourse.

The second choice is an inflatable one. With this penile implant, Dr. Cornell places two tubes into your penis, as well as a small reservoir inside your scrotum. When you want an erection, you simply activate the pump in your scrotum and it sends fluid into the tubes in your penis to give you an erection. When you’re done with intercourse, you simply activate the pump again and the fluid drains back down into the reservoir.

Dr. Cornell uses only leading brands, including the:

Each of these implants enjoys very high satisfaction ratings among its users and their partners.

2. Penile implants don’t affect what you feel

No matter which penile implant you choose, it won’t affect the sensation in your penis, so you can still feel aroused.

3. You can still orgasm with a penile implant

Many men are concerned that they won’t be able to achieve an orgasm with a penile implant, but that isn’t the case. As we mentioned above, your sensations aren’t affected by the penile implant and nor is your ability to have an orgasm.

4. Penile implants are discreet

Many of our patients like that penile implants are discreet, unlike other methods such as vacuums. When you’re ready for intercourse, all you need to do is straighten the non-inflatable implant or activate the inflatable one by pressing quickly on the pump in your scrotum.

Some of our patients report that, if they’re comfortable with their partner, they can also be part of the new erection process. 

5. Penile implants are a long-lasting solution

When we implant a penile prosthesis, there’s nothing more you need to do to address your ED. These implants should last for years and allow you to take the focus off of your ED and put it back where it belongs.

If you’d like to explore whether a penile implant is right for you, we invite you to contact our office in Houston, Texas, to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cornell.

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