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5 Signs You May Be Suffering from Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone, male hormones, testosterone replacement therapy,

A man’s world is influenced, to a surprising degree, by testosterone, the hormone responsible for your more “male” characteristics. The broad net that this hormone casts on your physical and mental health often becomes glaringly obvious when your testosterone levels are low.

At our Houston urology practice, under the experienced and expert guidance of Dr. Robert J. Cornell, we understand the effects that low testosterone can have on your overall health and wellness. But we’ve had years of experience and training that allows us to easily identify the signs of low testosterone, or low T.

If you suspect that something’s just not right with your body, here are the top 5 signs that may indicate your testosterone levels are running low.

1. Sexual health issues

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, which means these hormones play an enormous role in your sexual health. One of the telltale signs of low T is an ongoing problem with erectile dysfunction, but low T is far from the only culprit behind this issue. Approximately 52% of men in the United States are affected by erectile dysfunction, which can develop for any number of reasons, including cardiovascular health, age, and problems with mental health.

That said, if you’re experiencing problems with ED coupled with a lower libido, it’s worth coming in so that we can properly diagnose the issue. And one of the ways we do this is to draw some blood to check your testosterone levels.

2. Fatigue

Life can get awfully busy in adulthood, and we all have days where we can’t seem to muster any energy at all. But if you’re fatigued more often than not, despite getting the rest you need, low testosterone levels may be behind the loss of energy.

3. More fat, less muscle

Testosterone regulates your muscle mass, so if your levels dip below normal, you may start to lose some of this mass. Men with low testosterone often find themselves with more fat, too, which may stem from the loss of muscle as well as the lack of energy.

In some cases, men develop gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) because of an imbalance between their testosterone and estrogen levels (yes, men have small levels of estrogen).

4. Mood swings

This symptom is a tough one to nail down because everyone experiences mood swings from time to time. But you know yourself best, and if you find that you’re more irritable or anxious for no reason, it may be due to low testosterone.

5. Hair loss

This last symptom is difficult to parse out between genetic or age-related hair loss and thinning hair due to low testosterone. If your family tree is blessed with great hair, yet you’re losing yours, it may be a result of low testosterone. Or if you’re losing your hair at an early age, your hormones may play a role.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, or a combination of them, it may be time to either confirm or rule out a low-T diagnosis. If it’s low T, we can get you started on an appropriate treatment plan, including testosterone replacement therapy, to get you back to feeling like your old self again.

If you have any questions about the symptoms of low testosterone, please give us a call. Or you can use the online booking tool to set up an appointment.

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