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4 Things You Should Always Talk to Your Men’s Health Specialist About

4 Things You Should Always Talk to Your Men’s Health Specialist About

The primary physical attributes that separate men and women largely boil down to reproductive and urinary systems. So, just as women benefit from specialized reproductive care with their OB/GYN, men can receive the same benefits through their urologist.

At our practice, Dr. Robert J. Cornell is board-certified in urology, which is the specialty that caters to men’s health concerns, and there are many. From prostate issues to sexual dysfunction, men face unique challenges that we’re equipped to handle and resolve.

To illustrate all that we cover, we pulled together a list of things that you can (and should) talk to us about.

1. Sexual dysfunction

Let’s start with a larger quality-of-life concern that we routinely help our patients with — sexual function. For example, it might surprise you to learn that more than half of men experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives, and the issue becomes more prevalent with age.

Or, perhaps your ability to get and achieve an erection is there, but your libido has taken a nosedive.

Or, maybe you’re in pain when you have an erection, which might point toward Peyronie’s disease.

Or, maybe you’re unhappy with the shape and size of your penis, and it’s affecting your confidence.

Our point here is that there’s no subject about sexual health that is out of bounds. In fact, the odds are that whatever is affecting your sex life is usually something that we can help you to overcome.

2. Prostate health

Half of men in their fifth decade have benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and this number jumps to 80% in the seventh decade and beyond. An enlarged prostate is a common issue among men as they age, and it can lead to urination issues, such as frequent urination and difficulty initiating urination.

While BPH is benign, another major prostate concern is cancer, which is diagnosed in 1 out of 8 men.

So, if there are any changes in how you urinate or you’re experiencing any discomfort when you urinate, please let us know so that we can investigate further.

3. Not feeling like yourself

We know this sounds awfully broad, but if you’re undergoing certain changes in your general wellness, it’s important to bring these up when you visit us. Some of these changes might include:

While these symptoms might not appear to be connected, they are linked to your levels of testosterone. Men with low testosterone levels can experience any of the side effects we outline above, as well as others.

So, if you’re just not feeling right and you’re noticing some subtle changes in your mental and/or physical health, we want to know about them.

4. Having kids

Whether you’re struggling to start a family with your partner or you’d like to put an end to your ability to impregnate a woman, we can help. For example, we offer quick-and-easy, no-scalpel vasectomies.

The bottom line is that we want you to come armed with your questions and concerns, even if you think they might not be related to your sexual, reproductive, or urinary health. Even if something is outside of our area of expertise, we can point you in the right direction.

If you want top-notch men’s health care that handles your unique needs, please contact our office in Houston, Texas, to schedule an appointment.

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